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    ntegrated Praise Spiritual Center is a new radically inclusive and expansive inter-spiritual community with an open table where all are welcome. We desire to bring together, as one, people from various spiritual (indigenous and modern) and religious faith paths (traditional and contemporary), political affiliations, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identification, economic status, social stature, abilities, and disabilities through spiritual integration. Hence, we seek to transcend the boundaries and limitations of conditioning imposed upon us that challenges our ability to awaken to the reality of our divine nature, purpose, and the power of our connectedness. For, we appreciate the divine worth of each person and believe that we share a common origin, which is known by many names (e.g., God, Goddess, Creator, Source, Consciousness, The Sacred, etc.), represented in many forms, and expressed in many ways because of the diversity of humanity. IPSC is intentional about providing a careful blend of the old and the new, which is inclusive of but not limited to high praise, quiet reflection, mediation, curative arts, healing, and spiritual enlightenment to provide a relatively unique, transformative, and unpredictable worship experience.



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